domain search

4 Tragic Misconceptions About Domains


Domain names are one of the best marketing tools your company can have.  Don't miss out on the great opportunities afforded by owning an amazing domain by falling for one of these 4 misconceptions:

Misconception #1:  A good domain only costs £10.  No.  All the good domains are long registered.  Sure, you can register a new domain for only £10, but you will be missing out on all the branding, authority, marketing, and SEO advantages that an amazing domain can provide.

Misconception #2:  It doesn't matter what extension your domain name is.  No.  The primary domain used by commercial enterprises in the United Kingdom is  This is what your customers and clients expect to see.  This is what your customers and clients trust.  Even if you are an international company, it often makes sense to set up a specific websites for UK based customers.

Misconception #3:  It doesn't matter if your domain name is crappy.  No.  Especially if you are a new business, a good quality domain name conveys that you are serious, professional, and trustworthy.  Where do you think people are more likely to do business - at or

Misconception #4:  Search engines don't care about your domain name.  No.  Exact match domains are much easier to rank in the search engine results for their keywords.



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