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Choose the Right Domain Name To Build A Successful Brand


Are you planning to take your business online? Are you planning to start an online business? Todays consumer trends are changing drastically; more and more people go online to look for the products or the services they need. So it is only prudent to give your business a powerful online presence. Your domain name plays a very important role in creating a successful brand. Here are few important factors that you should take into consideration when choosing your domain name.

Niche Relevance – An important factor to take into consideration is the relevance of your domain name to your business’ niche. Choosing a niche relevant domain name has a number of benefits. Firstly, your customers can easily associate your domain name with your business. Secondly, keyword rich, niche relevant domain names will help you get better search engine visibility. Including keywords in your domain name can be advantageous in terms of ranking in the search engines. Thirdly, people can tell what your business is all about right from the domain name itself.

Shorter Can Be Better – Try to keep your domain name short so that your customers can easily remember it and type it. Short domains look better on business cards and other offline media. A long domain can be difficult to remember, difficult to share with customers over the telephone, and increase the chances of people making typographical errors when entering it in the address bar. However, don't sacrifice niche relevance for shortness. If the industry term is a longer one, then that can be fine to use.

Avoid Hyphens - It may be tempting to save money and choose a hyphenated version of your domain name. Don't! It's easy for customers to forget where the hypens are (or even that there are hypehns), and it looks cheap and unprofessional.

Right Domain Extension – If you are targeting a specific geographic region or if your services are limited to a specific region, then it is beneficial to choose your domain name extension accordingly. For example, if your services are limited to the United Kingdom or if you are dealing only with the UK market then you should choose a domain rather than a generic top-level domain extension such as .com or .net. Studies show that UK consumers are more likely to click on websites when reviewing search results than other extensions. As well, UK search engines tend to list websites higher than those using generic top-level domains.

When you take all these factors into consideration you will be able to begin building a successful brand online. Do not rush to choose your domain name, give yourself enough time to review your options and search for an amazing domain name. The right domain names goes a long way to creating a powerful brand that will help you stand out in a competitive market. Remember that this one time decision will last for the length of your business, so choose wisely.


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